Dedicated to helping your high energy or working breed dog become a settled family member.
Are you feeling a bit out of your depth with your dog?
The dog you dreamed of spending fun times with is more of a stressful embarrassment than the companion you hoped for?
Are you ready to do something about it and help your dog to become the best version of themselves and enjoy life with them again?
Then read on….!
Hi! I’m Cat and I’ve been where you are right now.
When I got my first dog Elvis he turned out to be a lot more than I bargained for. Despite doing all the ‘right’ things with him as a puppy we still hit multiple training and behaviour issues by the time he was 2.
Working through those struggles with him and now multiple clients dogs I’m here to help you take your current stressful situation and turn it round to enjoying life with your dog again.
(Or just help you get off on the right paw in the first place!)
Jump into my free course to boost relationship and help improve recall.
In this free collection of tips, techniques and hacks you will find simple actionable steps to improve both your relationship with your dog which is the foundation of a good recall.
The Sunday Socials
Group social walks, free to attend to help your dog learn to be co exist calmly around other dogs and people. These walks are open to anyone, we are a welcoming no judgement group here to help you and your dog.
Dogs are to be kept under control on leads at all times so that any dog and human team can come and get the benefit of controlled socialisation amongst a group of likeminded dog folk! Reactive, spicy and tricky dogs welcome.
Come and make some new human and dog friends.