Stressed to Superstar
A program specifically for reactivity
Take your dog from over reactive and out of control to a loose lead and focussed in 8 weeks
Let’s do this…An 8 week intensive program, for people ready to solve their problems with their dog.
It will take your over reactive dog from barking, lunging and pulling to focussed loose lead walking in and around your normal day to day environments.
You can apply for Stressed to Superstar if you can tick all the following criteria….
Your dog currently either pulls on the lead, barks and lunges at dogs and/or people or is unable to control themselves through excitement around other dogs and people. ( Or does all these things!)
You are committed to at least 3 x 10 minute training sessions per day, in varying environments as the program progresses.
Your dog and you are currently physically well and ready to take on an intensive training course with full support from a dedicated trainer.
You understand that your success won’t happen in class, it will come from the practice you do in between.
What the program promises
If you commit to the program, do the required training sessions and follow through on feedback and you aren’t able to walk your dog on a loose lead around whatever they were previously triggered by at the end of the 8 weeks you can have your money back.
Yes I’m that confident. BUT you have to do the work between lessons and prove it….
I’m committing my time and focus to you over 8 weeks to make sure I get you from stressed to superstar in that timeframe, I need your commitment to the program in return. You’ll thank me for it and so will your dog. There is lots more in depth info about the program below and full requirements in the FAQs.
Book a free call to discuss if this program is right for you

FAQs and T&Cs
This is for any dog breed, size or type over 6 months old that is fully fit physically.
You need to have time to do 3 x 10 minute training sessions with your dog per day at least 5 days a week. AS the program progresses some of this will involve travelling to suitable locations to practice. So if your dog is currently reactive to dogs, you'll need to be practicing you new training around dogs to progress.
This program is set up to give the consistency of practice you need to actually get over your dog's reactivity issues in a reasonable timeframe
You will need to provide evidence of your participation and practice and training in order to qualify for the money back guarantee. So regular participation in the group messaging and video evidence of some of your training efforts as a minimum.
Locations will always be within 20 minutes travel time of Peebles.
The group class will be on Friday Mornings at 11.30 for 1.5 hours weekly.
One to Ones are booked via my diary, times available are predominantly in daytime working hours.
The program will not involve the use of tools such as slip leads, prong or e-collars. We may well be using the word no if it is appropriate for your dog, but it will not be accompanied by pain, intimidation or fear.
You may use a harness or flat collar for the course.
Safety and management will be used at all times. This is an on lead program. There will be an opportunity to move forward into further training to teach your dog appropriate social contact after this course if it is appropriate and safe for them.
If you participate fully in the program with regular input to the group messaging, keep up with your training sessions and provide regular video evidence to the group and stick to feedback given, if you aren't able to walk your dog on a loose lead around their triggers by the end of the 8 weeks, you can have your money back.
If you want to advance your dog from on lead neutrality to appropriate social contact for them then there will be opportunity to continue on with their training to do so.
Your dog will need to be able to rest in your vehicle in between practice sessions in group class.
You will need to film a start video of your dogs current reactivity and give a video testimonial at the end of the program to be accepted on the the discounted first run of this new program.
You will need to provide video evidence at least 4 times per week of you doing the training as directed in order to qualify for the money back guarantee.
You will do this via WhatsApp in the group and one to one programs.
For the Digital course you need to show you have done the course over 8 weeks as directed and completed the daily sessions in that timeframe. Contact me at the start of your program and we will set up a group for you to send your evidence in.
No evidence, no money back!